Non NHS Services
Private Work Fees
Certain services such as private sick lines (for work, school or university), insurance claim forms, passport application and insurance medical examinations are not covered by the NHS and charges are made in line with BMA recommendations. Please see the receptionist who can advise on the appropriate fee.
The NHS provides most health care to most people free of charge, but there are exceptions where Doctors are entitled to charge a fee for services carried out privately. Our fees are charged in line with recommended British Medical Association rates for non-NHS services.
Why are you being charged a fee by your GP?
The NHS provides most health care to most people free of charge, but there are exceptions, for example, providing copies of health records, producing medical reports for insurance companies, filling in and signing insurance forms for private health care, cancelled holiday insurance and passport applications, carrying out medicals for drivers of HGVs and taxis, provision of some holiday vaccinations and various other services which are not covered by the NHS.
Why do you have to wait for your GP to just sign a form?
All non-NHS work is carried out at the discretion of the GP and you will be asked to wait for approximately 10 days for this to be completed. Time spent completing forms and preparing reports takes the GP away from the medical care of his or her patients.
A GP must only sign what they know to be factual/true, otherwise his/her GMC registration may be terminated. In order to complete the simplest of forms, therefore, the doctor might have to check the patient’s entire medical record. They may even not have the appropriate information to hand.
What can you do to help?
Please make sure that you have filled in all the appropriate areas of your form before leaving it with the doctor. He or she will be unable to verify a blank form which contains no details of the patient or the medical condition for which they may be making a claim.
All charges are payable when you pick up your form or prior to a medical examination. You may pay either by cheque to Kenilworth Medical Centre or by cash. If paying by cash please ensure that you have the exact amount as we do not routinely have change available at the practice..